Littlehampton Junior Registration 2023/24 Summer Season

Littlehampton Junior Registration 2023/24 Summer Season

Please complete and submit the following form by 13th September 2023 and note any late registrations can not guarantee a position in a team.

Fees payable by EFT to Littlehampton Tennis Club, National Bank, BSB 085 745, Account 83164 0885, please include player name(s) & for junior registration. Please note: NO credit card facilities available.
Or cash payment in a clearly labelled envelope to the Junior Coordinator - Mandy Saward at the Open Day, team training or matches.

FINAL DUE DATE FOR FEES IS 30th NOVEMBER 2023. Players who are not financial club members by this date will not be eligible to play in further matches until subs are paid. In the case of hardship, don't hesitate to get in touch with the club Treasurer to discuss payment instalments.

Junior Player - $165 ($155 Early Bird Discount)
Junior Player with a Sports Voucher - $65 ($55 Early Bird Discount)
Junior Player playing juniors & seniors - $245 ($220 Early Bird Discount)
*Please Note: Early bird discount applies to fees paid in full by 31st October 2023.
*Sports Voucher - eligibility is for school students from reception to year 9 who haven't already claimed a $100 voucher this calendar year (2023).